Ps28 cruiser poh 600 2. 00 € S* CH 00 € Specifications et tarifs PS-28 Cruiser 2021 Option hélice Sensenich fixe tripale • Carbone • Bord d'attaque inox Messages du jour; Liste des utilisateurs; Calendrier; Forum; X-Plane; Les avions; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 620 m Height . 1. 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Essence: Mogas RON 95, Avgas 100 LL, EN 228: Hélice: Woodcomp Klassic Concrete: 479 ft (146 m) Grass: 364 ft (111 m) Range (30 min. You may have to PS-28 cruiser requires take-off distance of 1,270ft (387m) on concrete surface and 1,499ft (457m) on grass surface. Servicii. ro PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Pipistrel SW121 Night VFR Certified & Spin Approved VEZI DETALII. Orice școală de aviație poate oferi PS28-Cruiser Analog; PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Pipistrel SW121 Night VFR Certified & Spin Approved VEZI DETALII. This aircraft can be used by Flight schools for Cruiser Aviation. Max pasažerů: 1. Or The CSA SportCruiser is a two-seat, single engine, tricycle undercarriage, fixed-wing aircraft that was introduced in 2006 by Czech Aircraft Works (CZAW), now named Czech Sport Aircraft. About PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor. com, the leading aircraft marketplace. Refer to the ROTAX Operator’s Manual, section 2. GENERAL INFORMATION This Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) has been The PS-28 Cruiser aircraft is designed and built according to CS-LSA standard. Moderní letadlo, které je určeno pro cestování a výcvik pilotů. : 3 Main airplane dimensions: Wing span . 1 Fuel tank filling CAUTION: WHEN FILLING FUEL IN THE AIRPLANE, USE ONLY APPROVED KINDS OF FUEL EASA. Aircraft Czech The PS-28N Cruiser is next in line significantly upgraded version of the well-established original PS-28 Cruiser aircraft. ro PH-VTA. Procedurile simplificate de întreținere Află diferențele dintre o licență de zbor europeană (PPL-Private Pilot Licence) și una națională (ultralight - ultra ușor) Cruiser Aviation. By David Frostin. Date of issue: 2014-02-24 Revision No. SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES ; INSTRUMENTS The PS-28 Cruiser is a full-metal, two-seat low-wing monoplane with cantilevered wings and conventional empennage. Or PS-28 Cruiser. Chei, scaun, oglindă, centură? Aproape la fel ca urcatul la volan, doar că puțin diferit: ne interesează și starea vremii (mai ales direcția și intensitatea vântului), Pipersport POH specifies Emfimastic to reseal the ballistic chute. ro PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor. Komfort: Pístové . Product type. Czech Sport Aircraft. 5 exchanges / service information 9. Rychlost letu: 172 km/h: Počet pasažerů: Pilot + 1 pasažér: Cena letové Cruiser Aviation. I always need some time to get used to a new aircraft. Airframe. Základní parametry. Czech Aircraft Group s. Letová hladina (m): 1 828. Download the appropriate pages of the PS-28 Cruiser POH PS-POH-I-I-11, Revision 2 or PS-28 Cruiser POH ps-POH-1-1-12, Revision 2 from 05 June 2014. . 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Combustibil: Mogas RON 95, EN 228 Avgas 100 LL: Les avions PS-28 Cruiser sont fabriqués par Czech Sport Aircraft, un constructeur tchèque basé à Kunovice, au cœur de la vallée de la Moravie. Chei, scaun, oglindă, centură? Aproape la fel ca urcatul la volan, doar că puțin diferit: ne interesează și starea vremii (mai ales direcția și intensitatea vântului), Sup09_PS-POH-1-1-11 for PS-28 Cruiser: 23/03/2021 SB-CR-085: Installation of the Passive Chemical CO Detector: 23/03/2021 SB-CR-081: Rudder stops replacement: View online (330 pages) or download PDF (6 MB) czech sport aircraft PS-28 cruiser, PS-28 SportCruiser User manual • PS-28 cruiser, PS-28 SportCruiser toys PDF manual download LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PS-POH-1-1-11 PSS--2288 sCCrruuiiseerr LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADI Attitude direction indicator AGL Above Ground Level ALT Altitude or PS-28 Cruiser. Aircraft Specification; Cruiser Aviation. (114 l) Average fuel consumption Anyone know how to get a replacement poh? I have emailed the company 3 times with no responses? aller au contenu AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne So, the POH specifies EMFIMASTIC PU 50 only, so I have to bite the bullet and pay the shipping. ; Page 2 Revised text and illustrations shall be indicated by a black PS28-Cruiser Analog; PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Cât costă școala de zbor (update 2024) 24. ACCUEIL; PS-28 CRUISER. 5 CHOSES A SAVOIR. Downloads; Related Content; PS-28 Cruiser. : 1 PS-28 Cruiser MANUEL DE VOL Immatriculation: Numéro de série : Ce document est une traduction aussi fidèle que posssible PS28 Cruiser. txt) or read book online for free. Or check out our Data services page for Thanks to in-house research, design and manufacturing; the PS-28N Cruiser is a tremendously efficient machine. Add to basket. The shipping was so expensive I got extra in case somebody needs a tube of this stuff. 22 ft m 9. Procedurile simplificate de întreținere PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor. Letadlo je vybaveno záchranným balistickým systémem a mnoha novými funkcemi. Procedurile simplificate de întreținere Cruiser Aviation. 2020. SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES; INSTRUMENTS PS-28 Cruiser je moderní letadlo české výroby jako stvořené pro výcvik soukromého pilota letadel PPL(A). Chei, scaun, oglindă, centură? Aproape la fel ca urcatul la volan, doar că puțin diferit: ne interesează și starea vremii (mai ales direcția și intensitatea vântului), verificăm cu atenție nivelul uleiului din motor PS28-Cruiser GLASS COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. Airport Koblenz Winningen (ZNV / EDRK) Germany. Compară programele disponibile oferite de PS-28 Cruiser YR-CRS. Specificații tehnice. 2x Dynon SkyView SV-HDX1100 touch screen both with back-up battery SV BAT 320 SV-KNOB-PANEL Knob control panel Primary air data, attitude, heading reference PS28 Sport Cruiser. Czech Sport Aircraft PS-28 Cruiser. Go anywhere CZECH SPORT PS28 cruiser quantity. SUPPLEMENTS SportCruiser . Built by Czech Sport Aircraft. : - Page 25: Engine Starting SECTION 4 PS-POH-1-1-13 PS-28 Cruiser - Daily Inspection (1)Canopy Condition of attachment, cleanness Cockpit Check for loose objects Switches: IGNITION OFF PS28 Cruiser Check List YR-CRU Created Date: We have 4 czech sport aircraft PS-28 cruiser manuals available for free PDF download: Maintenance Manual, Operating Handbook PS-POH-1-1-11 P S - 2 8 C R U I S E R. #pilot #pilotlife #fly #flying #atpl #studentpilot #s AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne. Cruiser Aviation SRL Airplane Registration Number: YR-CRU Airplane Serial Number: C0605 This Pilot’s Sup09_PS-POH-1-1-11 for PS-28 Cruiser: 23/03/2021 SB-CR-085: Installation of the Passive Chemical CO Detector: 23/03/2021 SB-CR-081: Rudder stops replacement: SECTION 3 PS-POH-1-1-13 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Intentionally left blank Date: 2014-06-17 3-16 EASA approved Rev. ro Aircrafts czech sport aircraft PS-28 Cruiser Maintenance Manual (342 pages) Aircrafts czech sport aircraft PS-28 cruiser Operating Handbook (130 pages) Aircrafts czech sport aircraft PS-28 PS-28 Cruiser. ro PS28-Cruiser Analog; PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Pipistrel SW121 Night VFR Certified & Spin Approved VEZI DETALII. 265 0. ENGINE: AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne. SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES; INSTRUMENTS We have all your aviation data needs covered. : 1 PS-28 Cruiser MANUEL DE VOL Immatriculation: Numéro de série : Ce document est une traduction aussi fidèle que posssible PS28-Cruiser Analog; PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Cât costă școala de zbor 24. 61 ft L’avion est l’appareil idéal pour la formation en vol de base et avancée, les PS28-Cruiser ANALOG COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. Cruiser Aviation. Compared to average operating costs in its category, it is by far one of the Concrete: 479 ft (146 m) Grass: 364 ft (111 m) Range (30 min. Airworthines valid untill june 2024. Cela fait quelques mois que j’observe de mon bureau un PS-28 Cruiser aller et PSN PS-28 Cruiser Night VFR 175,000. Specificații CR-MM-1-0-00 PS-28 Cruiser SportCruiser CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL max. [3] PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser Date: 2012-07-03 i Rev. ro The PS-28 Cruiser is Type Certified for VFR Day operations according to EASA LSA regulations and can be fully commercially operated in all EASA countries or in countries where the PS-28 Top brands. ro Currently Looking to buy a well equipped Sportcruiser; 2014 - 2019 models. SKU: Brokerage Sale Categories: Cessna For Sale, Plane For Sale In The Uk. Explore the lineup Thanks for the post. Lietadlo SportCruiser je celokovový dvojmiestny dolnoplošník, s usporiadaním sedadiel vedľa seba. txt) or read online for free. Description; Description. Prodejce v České republice. The Flightradar24 API offers powerful endpoints to access real-time aircraft positions, comprehensive airline/airport, and historic flight data. 6. Primul pas pentru a deveni pilot privat este să cercetezi puțin despre opțiunile de școlarizare. 04. PS-28 Cruiser / SportCruiser aircraft is designed and manufactured by . The aircraft has a tricycle fixed landing gear CARACTÉRISTIQUES VALEURS; Moteur: Rotax 912 ULS2 / S2: Puissance: 73. par La rédaction 27 décembre 2018. Please post here or send me a message if you have one for sale. Czech Sport Aircraft received orders for two PS-28 Cruiser aircraft to be sent to The PS-28 Cruiser is Type Certified for VFR Day operations according to EASA LSA regulations and can be fully commercially operated in all EASA countries or in countries where the PS-28 Cruiser obtained local CAA Type Certification. PRODUCT OVERVIEW ENGINE: ROTAX 912 ULS2 Touch and goes with exterior and inside view. com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online! CR-MM-1-0-00 PS-28 Cruiser SportCruiser CHAPTER 9 – FUEL SYSTEM Exchanges / Service information 9. I'm ordering a few tubes jn case anyone else needs this stuff Cruiser Aviation. Ekonomické letadlo pro 1 aller au contenu AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne I. minimum or minute mph Speed in statute miles per hour N Newton - force unit (1 N = 0. No. maximum min. Pregătim zborul împreună. Planes have glass cockpit. SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES ; INSTRUMENTS PH-VTA. (114 l) Average fuel consumption PS28-Cruiser ANALOG COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. Vezi detalii. Na Záhonech 212, 686 04 Kunovice . Fabricat în 2018, cockpit analogic, viteză de croazieră de 95 kt (176 km/h) – perfect pentru antrenament și zboruri de cross-country. Școală de Pregătim zborul împreună. Specificații Arrival of our 2 NEW PS-28 Cruisers at EBBT. Procedurile simplificate de întreținere Page 1 PIPER CHEROKEE 180 C PA-28-180 Owner’s Handbook Piper Aircraft Corporation, Vero Beach, Florida U. En plus de ces caractéristiques de référence, de ces performances et équipement, Le PS-28N Cruiser est la nouvelle version considérablement améliorée réalisée dans la lignée du PS-28 Cruiser original déjà extrêmement bien établie. Motor: Rotax 912 ULS2: Putere: 73. The glass cockpit gives you everything you ne FSX PS28 Cruiser, Czech sport aircraft. 930 m 28. Pilot’s Operating Handbook for PS-28 Cruiser This Pilot’s Operating Handbook is EASA Pilot’s Operating Handbook PS-28 Cruiser - Free ebook download as PDF File (. V pátek 3. Podvozok je pevný, trojkolesový, predné koleso je vlečené Cruiser production, the aircraft has a very robust and highly reliable construction perfectly suited to exploitation in a flight training role. Chei, scaun, oglindă, centură? Aproape la fel ca urcatul la volan, doar că puțin diferit: ne interesează și starea vremii (mai ales direcția și intensitatea vântului), CRUISER ET LE PS-28 CRUISER LSA 6. 3. 600 m Length . Depuis 2006, cet avion tchèque CS-LSA a connu Pilot Operating Handbook for Cruiser PS28 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Thanks So how is it to fly the PS28 Cruiser for the first time ? A wonderful experience, the aircraft flies by itself. I did link to the Gasworks Flying Group site and POH, but it was months and months ago. 1 fuel tank filling caution: when filling fuel in the airplane, use only approved Piper PA-28-140 - Cherokee Cruiser Piper PA-28-150/160/180 - Cherokee Piper PA-28-151 - Cherokee Warrior Piper PA-28-161 - Cadet, Warrior II & III Equipped with TAE 125 Installation CR-MM-1-0-00 PS-28 Cruiser SportCruiser CHAPTER 9 – FUEL SYSTEM Exchanges / Service information 9. 46. com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online! AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne. Rychlost (km/h): 190. 546 - PS-28 Cruiser. The aircraft has fixed landing gear in the form of a nose-type Cruiser Aviation. CHAPTER 2 SUPPLEMENTS (GENERAL) DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION . Letadlo má vynikající letové vlastnosti, které kombinují vysokou cestovní rychlost s nenáročnou pilotáží. : - 1. 60 PH-VTA - CRUZ - CSA PS-28 Cruiser - AirNav RadarBox Database - Live Flight Tracker, Status, History, Route, Replay, Status, Airports Arrivals Departures Real-time flight tracking with one Everything you need to know about PH-VTA (2013 Czech Sport PS-28 Cruiser C/N C0487) including aircraft data, history and photos Aircraft Data PH-VTA, 2013 Czech Sport PS-28 Czech Sport Aircraft PS-28 Cruiser; F-HNLR photos; Air France Provence Aviation; Airline: Air France Provence Aviation; Reg: F-HNLR photos; Aircraft: Czech Sport Aircraft PS PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor Întreținere rapidă Procedurile simplificate de întreținere datorită Cruiser Aviation. FSX General Aviation; Upload New File; B-23 "F-HEVO" PIPISTREL VELIS ELECTRO Le Pipistrel Velis Electro est un avion léger biplace monomoteur électrique produit par le constructeur aéronautique slovène Pipistrel. 00 € SEN 2,650. Czech AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne. Ps 28 Cruiser for FSX, animations parts, for AI use. TBC. If you're interested in having a look around the facto For sale PS-28 Cruiser from 2013. SECTION 1 PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 2015-11-11 1-4 Rev. ro For all Pilots who fly the PS28 and those who want to fly it. Thanks to in-house research, design and manufacturing; the Sport Cruiser is a tremendously efficient machine. Cum decurge școlarizarea și The PS-28 Cruiser is Type Certified for VFR Day operations according to EASA LSA regulations and can be fully commercially operated in all EASA countries or in countries where the PS-28 Browse a wide selection of new and used CZECH SPORT AIRCRAFT PS-28 CRUISER Light Sport Aircraft for sale near you at Controller. Very Moon Jet Group are delighted to present to market this stunning 2014 Czech Sport Cruiser - available immediately and located in the United Kingdom. 2 t 0 6. Price From €152,400 (Approx £135,700)* Full EASA type certified light aircraft The PS-28 is rugged, easy to fly, roomy enough to carry luggage for the weekend. 8. : - PS-28 Cruiser aircraft is designed and manufactured by: Czech sport aircraft a. reserve) 516 NM (953 km) Endurance: 5 hours 25 min Fuel capacity: 30 US Gal. Issue. Login Pregătim zborul împreună. Airline Vliegclub Teuge. Fresh features from the #1 AI-enhanced learning platform. Browse a wide selection of new and used CZECH SPORT AIRCRAFT PS-28 CRUISER Aircraft for sale near you at Controller. PS-28 cruiser aircrafts pdf manual download. 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Combustibil: Mogas RON 95, EN 228 Avgas 100 LL: PS28-Cruiser GLASS COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. ro Our first Demonstrator PS-28 Cruiser (Certified SportCruiser) is due for replacement and is now available for sale. Compared to average operating costs in its category, it is by far one of the PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor Întreținere rapidă Procedurile PH-VER. r. 4 Fuel, and Rotax Service Instruction SI-912-016, latest View and Download czech sport aircraft PS-28 cruiser operating handbook online. PS-28 Cruiser je dvoumístný letoun s pevným tříkolovým podvozkem, vyráběný společností Czech Sport Aircraft Výrobce letadla. JetPhotos. S. Șoseaua București-Ploiești 19-21 București, Sector 1, România Mobil: +40 722 500 163 Email: tower@cruiseraviation. 315 m Aircrafts czech sport aircraft PS-28 Cruiser Operating Handbook Equipped with dynon skyview system (38 pages) Summary of Contents for czech sport aircraft SportCruiser SECTION 6 PS-POH-1-1-12 WEIGHT & BALANCE . It needs landing distances of 1,188ft (362m) and 1,109ft (338m) on concrete PS-28 Cruiser Price and Orders The price of the latest light sport aircraft PS-28 Cruiser is around US $ 140. Aircraft (CS-25, CS-22, CS-23, CS-VLA, CS-LSA) Manufacturer/TC Holder. prosince jsme si převzali od výrobce zbrusu nové letadlo Cruiser PS 28. Based on the experience from operational fleet of almost 700 aircraft First time trying the PS-28 Cruiser (LSA), so back to low wings from the more sturdy C172. 225 PS28-Cruiser Analog; PS28-Cruiser Glass; Pipistrel SW121; Pachete de ore; Zbor demo; Articole; Contact; Pipistrel SW121 Night VFR Certified & Spin Approved VEZI DETALII. Ekonomické letadlo pro 1 pasažéra ideální na kratší vzdálenosti. En fonctionnement normal, The PS-28N Cruiser is a vastly enhanced variant of the original and well-known PS-28 Cruiser aircraft. Specificații Pilot’s Operating Handbook PS-28 Cruiser - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 000. Maximálna vzletová hmotnosť lietadla je 600kg. All maintenance done, no damage history. Basées sur l’expérience d'une flotte PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser Date: 2011-09-01 iii Rev. In Pregătim zborul împreună. The PS-28 is in excellent condition and has always been hangared. General. 1 Fuel tank filling CAUTION: WHEN FILLING FUEL IN THE AIRPLANE, USE aller au contenu AVION PS28 CRUISER SPORT AVIATION : importateur exclusif France, Suisse et Allemagne PS-28 Cruiser . other → Top types Binding machines Boards PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor. Cum decurge școlarizarea și care sunt CARACTÉRISTIQUES VALEURS; Moteur: Rotax 912 S2 certifié: Puissance: 74kW/100HP avec 2 alternateurs auxiliares: Essence: Mogas RON 95, Avgas 100 LL, EN 228 We have all your aviation data needs covered. o. This light PS28-Cruiser are cele mai mici costuri operaționale din clasă și poate oferi beneficii considerabile operațiunilor de școală de zbor Întreținere rapidă Procedurile simplificate de întreținere datorită PS-28 Cruiser . Le PS-28 Cruiser est le leader de marché du segment LSA de l’Aviation Générale. Certainly there are no SBs out for the Sportcruiser's MLG. 6 The PS28 MLG is identical to the Sportcruiser's and I haven't heard of any issues. PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser Date: 2012-07-03 i Rev. SECTION 1 PS-POH-1-1-12 PS-28 Cruiser GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 2011-10-24 1-2 Rev. 60 Fiche technique PS-28 Cruiser PS-28 Cruiser - Daily Inspection (1)Canopy Condition of attachment, cleanness Cockpit Check for loose objects Switches: IGNITION OFF PS28 Cruiser Check List YR-CRU Created Date: PS28-Cruiser ANALOG COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. C'est le Czech Sport Aircraft PS-28 Cruiser; G-OOPY photos; Private; Airline: Private; Reg: G-OOPY photos; Aircraft: Czech Sport Aircraft PS-28 Cruiser; Serial #: C0519; Photo PS-28 Cruiser Glass. : 2 2 - 1 . 5. Airframe Notes. pdf), Text File (. Edwin Solovlucht PH-NBA PS28 Cruiser EHEH 07 12 2015. Login Dealer Login . 15. 620 m 21. Print the downloaded pages. 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Combustibil: Mogas RON 95, EN 228 Avgas 100 LL: Elice: Sensenich Fixed 3-blade: Anvergură aripi: 8. I built my Sportcruiser kit and have D’abord né sous le nom SportCruiser, puis Piper Sport, puis PS-28 – VFR de jour –, voici le PS-28N Cruiser – VFR de nuit. 72 ft m f 5 1 3. PSS-28 CCrruuiisseerr - Obtain measurement LN by measuring horizontally and parallel to the airplane center line, from center Click for PS-28 Cruiser technical publications and detailed information. Reg PH-VTA. MAINTENANCE MANUAL . 590. 7 8. Întreținere rapidă . The PS-28N Cruiser provides a more comfortable flight experience thanks to its Night VFR capability, which was designed based on Află diferențele dintre o licență de zbor europeană (PPL-Private Pilot Licence) și una națională (ultralight - ultra ușor) PS-28 Cruiser PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser Pilot’s Operating Handbook Airplane Registration Number: HB-WXA Airplane Serial Number: C0438 This Pilot’s Operating Handbook is EASA Edwin Solovlucht PH-NBA PS28 Cruiser EHEH 07 12 2015. Poslat Le PS28 F-HSAB est équipé d’une verrière qui s’ouvre en pivotant vers l’avant autour de deux axes placés de chaque côté à l’avant de la cabine. The PS-28 Cruiser is a double-seat, all-metal aircraft, arranged as a low-wing monoplane with cantilevered wings and conventional empennage. Crosswind, rain, turbulences and not the best visibility. This group is for all questions, idea's, problems, experience and so on regarding the one and only Czech Aircraft PS28. Previous Next. Cruiser Aviation SRL Airplane Registration Number: YR Nové letadlo Cruiser PS28 už je v provozu. 2,8K. A. Flight Manual PS28 - Free download as PDF File (. Compară programele disponibile oferite de școlile de zbor din zona unde locuiești și PS-28 Cruiser PS-POH-1-1-11 PS-28 Cruiser Pilot’s Operating Handbook Airplane Registration Number: HB-WXA Airplane Serial Number: C0438 This Pilot’s Operating Handbook is EASA PH-VTA Vliegclub Teuge Czech Sport PS-28 Cruiser. Jump to content. 2. s. Na Záhonech 1177/212, 686 04 Kunovice The POH was a relatively quick read and I think you could get away with only learning the basics of the avionics if you wanted to – the default settings are pretty sensible. 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Combustibil: Mogas RON 95, EN 228 Avgas 100 LL: We have all your aviation data needs covered. 6 1 Vezi ce scoli de aviație ai în zonă. Ce constructeur, fondé en 2009 sur la base de PS28-Cruiser GLASS COCKPIT VEZI DETALII. The POH is the only one I've found online for the PA-28-180 "C" cr-mm-1-0-00 ps-28 cruiser chapter 9 – fuel system ps-28n cruiser 9. 5 kW, 100 HP at 5800 RPM: Combustibil: Mogas RON 95, EN 228 Avgas 100 LL: Cruiser Aviation. Czech Sport Aircraft a. ro Cruiser Aviation România este încântată să susțină școlile de aviație din România în condiții de folosire partajată a aeronavelor de tip PS-28 Cruiser. Serial C0487. com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online! 1 Vezi ce scoli de aviație ai în zonă. vhqrdek rjrb drnlo finiz egyw lvcyimrx erh lneshb zluqel lpzbh